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5 Tips to Live a More Sustainable Life

Hello dear friends,

You may all know that menstrual cups make a great sustainable life-choice and drastically reduce the waste women create due to their period.
But we can all do more, can't we? Here is a list of five, simple tips that will make you feel better at the end of the day, knowing that you are helping to care for our beloved Earth. ENJOY!

1. USE REUSABLE CONTAINERS - you can find all types of reusable bottles, in hard plastic or glass, with some designs being very attractive! The same can be said for food containers: when you go to the restaurant, you can bring your own super stylish plastic/metal/glass container so you won't have to ask for the disposable foam container. And the list goes on! Find your own way to recycle containers and reduce the amount of disposable ones you use.

2. UNPLUG PHANTOM POWER DEVICES - phone and computer chargers, coffee pots, and other devices consume energy even when they are not being used. Simply unplug them from the wall to cut out on energy consumption...the planet will thank you, and you'll get a nicer bill.

3. BRING A REUSABLE GROCERY SHOPPING BAG - instead of buying the plastic shoppers from the store, bring reusable bags made out of juta, cotton or other resistant material. You can throw them in the back of your car and have them at your disposal whenever you need to carry your purchases.

4. TAKE SHORTER SHOWERS - even a couple of minutes less make a huge difference!

5. INVEST IN HIGH QUALITY - from clothing to furniture, from appliances to shoes, remember that quality saves money down the line. You might pay more when you buy it, but you won't have to replace the purchase as quickly, which will save you more money and reduce waste.