Wearing a menstrual cup INSIDE-OUT?!
We get a lot of questions about the little leaf stem on the cup: some women prefer cutting it off because they feel it tingling, while other women like it because it makes it easier to grab the cup while removing it. We usually answer that, yes, it is possible to cut the stem - paying attention not to damage the cup, and making sure not to go beyond the small ball at the base of the stem - but we also say that there is another way to wear the cup without the stem: and that is WEARING THE CUP INSIDE-OUT.
That's right, Luv Ur Body menstrual cups can be worn inside out, just like in the pictures you see. By wearing the menstrual cup inside-out, you won't have the stem, and the capacity of the cup will be slightly reduced: this is good if, for instance, you are on the last days of period and don't need a super-big cup to hold the flow.

We would love too see your cups going inside-out, so if you have one, please post a picture and tag it #LubCup! And let us know how it feels!
Luv Your Body Menstrual Cups